Day Three: Wild Cravings of a Sleep-Junkie

sleepI really miss sleeping ::cry::

It was even harder to wake up this morning than it was yesterday. To my credit, I did manage to fall asleep before midnight but just barely.

I finally put my big-girl pants on and decided that I just had to make it through this week and next week will be easier. I knew I was lying to myself but it was enough to get me dressed and out the door.

I was so thankful I met my water goal yesterday because I’m pretty sure I sweated out every remaining ounce. Day 3 – Strength! I did a 5-minute warm-up (walking 3.5mph) then jumped into a sweet upper-body routine I found on-the-line. Once I was able to ignore the fact that I was only lifting 15 pounds, I felt like a freakin’ rockstar….until I had to do pushups. I had been watching YouTube videos all weekend of these badass chicks lifting their entire bodies off the ground with just their arms (legs completely off the ground) and was totally pumped about showing off to all my friends. This morning provided a very harsh reality check. I (barely) squeezed out 2 sets of 5 “actual” pushups before I wimped out and used my knees for the last 2 sets.

All finished with the muscle-y portion of the morning, I jumped back on the treadmill and ran intervals (4mph jog, 4.5mph run). That was so fun!

Now, whenever I stretch, I have that satisfying tightness in my (armpits?) muscle-y area.
Tomorrow is cardio again and I’m actually looking forward to it a lot. I have a lot of shows to catch up on 🙂

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