I almost talked myself into staying in bed and sleeping in but I know if I give in just one day, then it’ll be that much harder to talk myself out of giving up the next time.
So off to the gym I went!
Day 5: Strength-Training
I did the Workout 2 from the link I posted earlier in the week which mainly focuses on the back and biceps (Tuesday’s Workout 1 was mostly chest and triceps).
I was a bit nervous about using the hand weights because that’s the “boys” section 🙂 but fortunately, no one was over there.
….and then I came to the Decline Situps…..really?! I can barely do situps on flat ground! I’m supposed to practically hang upside down then do situps? So yeah, that wasn’t pretty. I was so thankful that no one was around to witness those….the entire 5 that I barely managed.
Finished the workout with Peak 8 intervals and felt pretty damn good when I was all done! 😀
On a side note, I really miss my phone – may it rest in pieces.